Cut your electric bill:
. . . . . . replace all lighting with LED lights,
. . . . . . install power strips, with lighted On/Off switches, where a lot of plugs are:
. . . . . . . . . Kitchen counters,
. . . . . . . . . Entertainment centers,
. . . . . . . . . some appliances have things in them that run, even when the appliance is not in use,
. . . . . . replace some room air conditioners with reversible ceiling fans,
. . . . . . shut off all electrical usage, and shut doors, to rooms, that are not being used:
. . . . . . . . . bedrooms, not being used during the day, (Shut off ceiling fan/small window air conditioner)
. . . . . . . . . Kitchen, and living room at bed time. (Shut off ceiling fans)
. . . . . . when replacing a major appliance, buy the most energy efficient ones.
“The cheapest electricity is the electricity you don’t use.
. . . Making energy efficient choices is the easiest, and
. . . most affordable way to make big impacts…“
5-22-2019 Source: The Fastest, Most Effective Way To Slow Climate Change
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The Fastest, Most Effective Way To Slow Climate Change
Started by eds, May 22 2019 07:01 AM
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