First off, can we actually transform our global economy,
. . . to one powered by renewable energy.
Renewables Economically:
. . . . . . create more jobs,
. . . . . . is cheaper energy, and
. . . . . . will save the current Rejected Energy.
Utility-scale wind, and solar generation,
. . . are so cheap right now, that in many jurisdictions,
. . . it’s cheaper to build new wind, and solar generation,
. . . than to keep operating existing gas, and nuclear generation,
. . . which along with cheap fracked natural gas,
. . . is causing bankruptcies and shutdowns in those sectors.
Natural gas is just slower to arrive at the problem,
. . . the coal industry is facing,
but it’s already starting to see this issue as well.
1-24-2019 Source: Is an all #Renewable Grid possible?
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Is an all #Renewable Grid possible?
Started by eds, Jan 24 2019 06:34 PM
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