The U.S. Energy Information Administration notes,
. . . that the cost of building a new coal-fired power plant is roughly
. . . $3 million/MW. And while natural gas-fired plant construction costs are less, at about
. . . $900/kW, both options carry considerable:
. . . . . . environmental,
. . . . . . stranded investment risks, along with
. . . . . . substantial waste associated with ancillary services, such as
. . . . . . spinning reserves.
Virtual power plants, “a system that relies upon software, and
. . . a smart grid to remotely, and automatically dispatch, and optimize DERs,
. . . via an aggregation, and optimization platform linking retail to wholesale markets”
. . . costs only about
. . . $80/kW.
6-12-2018 Source: Virtual #Power Plants (VPPs)
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Virtual #Power Plants (VPPs)
Started by eds, Jun 12 2018 03:30 PM
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