A least cost Energy scenario,
. . . cannot include Nuclear and,
. . . will need to decommission some
. . . 27.5 gigawatts of old Coal-fired power stations by 2040.
For Communities,
. . . who have for decades been dependent on coal-fired energy for their livelihoods,
. . . the energy transition is a spectre that threatens the very reason for their existence.
For government,
. . . the energy transition is a shift away from state control, and
. . . a threat to a reliable income stream.
The number of new jobs created in the renewable sector,
. . . may outnumber the number of jobs lost in the coal sector,
. . . but on an individual level it will be catastrophic,
. . . without some form of intervention.
As much as we might wish that they could be,
. . . we cannot directly substitute a coal miner for a solar panel installer,
. . . or a rock blaster for a turbine technician.
11-19-2017 Source: South Africa’s: future #energy mix
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South Africa’s: future #energy mix
Started by eds, Nov 19 2017 06:20 AM
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