Problem: Puerto Rico could be without electricity for months,
. . . due to Hurricane Maria, and
. . . importing Fossil Fuel is expensive.
Solution: Solar systems in the tropics, can
. . . generate over 1.5 times more than exactly the same PV system,
. . . installed in a location with a higher latitude, and
Wind Farms, could benefit from the Caribbean trade winds.
The Missing Key: Battery Storage
. . . just trying to reduce the amount of transmission lines.
Because, that’s where the energy systems fail.
9-30-2017 Source: #Storms can cripple power lines
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#Storms can cripple power lines
Started by eds, Sep 30 2017 09:02 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 30 September 2017 - 09:02 AM
Posted 30 September 2017 - 09:32 AM
Millions of Florida residents lost power after Hurricane Irma raged through the state.
. . . But some homeowners with solar energy installations,
. . . couldn’t use them during the outage.
Under Florida Power and Light (FPL)’s net metering guidelines,
. . . “Renewable generator systems connected to the grid without batteries,
. . . are not a standby power source during an FPL outage.
The system must shut down when FPL’s grid shuts down,
. . . in order to prevent dangerous back feed on FPL’s grid.
This is required to protect FPL employees,
. . . who may be working on the grid.”
Tesla Powerwall can use solar panels during a grid failure,
. . . “When the grid goes down, a transfer switch,
. . . switches off the grid and into the battery system,
. . . so there’s no way it could back-feed, and hurt a utility linesman.”
9-30-2017 Source: #Hurricane: Florida residents lost power
. . . But some homeowners with solar energy installations,
. . . couldn’t use them during the outage.
Under Florida Power and Light (FPL)’s net metering guidelines,
. . . “Renewable generator systems connected to the grid without batteries,
. . . are not a standby power source during an FPL outage.
The system must shut down when FPL’s grid shuts down,
. . . in order to prevent dangerous back feed on FPL’s grid.
This is required to protect FPL employees,
. . . who may be working on the grid.”
Tesla Powerwall can use solar panels during a grid failure,
. . . “When the grid goes down, a transfer switch,
. . . switches off the grid and into the battery system,
. . . so there’s no way it could back-feed, and hurt a utility linesman.”
9-30-2017 Source: #Hurricane: Florida residents lost power
Posted 30 September 2017 - 12:11 PM
Puerto Ricans, entire grid went down, on September 20th,
. . . it must be restarted from scratch in a labor-intensive process known as a 'black start'.
Meanwhile, a majority of the 3.4 million Puerto Ricans can't:
. . . . . . pump potable Water, or Fuel,
. . . . . . wash,
. . . . . . refrigerate food,
. . . . . . run air conditioning to stave off the Caribbean heat,
. . . . . . Communicate,
. . . . . . have lights at night,
. . . . . . feel safe or,
. . . . . . stay healthy.
Tesla is sending hundreds of its Powerwall battery systems,
. . . to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico.
. . . it must be restarted from scratch in a labor-intensive process known as a 'black start'.
Meanwhile, a majority of the 3.4 million Puerto Ricans can't:
. . . . . . pump potable Water, or Fuel,
. . . . . . wash,
. . . . . . refrigerate food,
. . . . . . run air conditioning to stave off the Caribbean heat,
. . . . . . Communicate,
. . . . . . have lights at night,
. . . . . . feel safe or,
. . . . . . stay healthy.
Tesla is sending hundreds of its Powerwall battery systems,
. . . to storm-ravaged Puerto Rico.
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