China built its incredible industrial might,
. . . by using thousands of cheap laborers,
. . . to build cheap to fuel coal-powered generating plants.
Then it reaped the whirlwind,
. . . of air that was unsafe to breathe.
. . . Now it is focused on renewable energy.
All those carbon spewing facilities led to smog in its cities.
. . .The incidence of asthma, and other respiratory diseases skyrocketed.
Having clean air for their children to breathe,
. ..became the number one priority for people,
. . .when choosing where to live.
American Progress researchers,
. . . actually went to China last December,
. . . to visit several coal-fired plants.
. . . They went down into the mines, and
. . . talked to dozens of local, regional, and national officials.
Their conclusion is,
. . . that many of the newer plants were commissioned by local officials,
. . . who saw the winds of change coming, and
. . . ordered the construction of new coal-fired plants,
. . . before certain government incentives were withdrawn.
The message American Progress would like officials and regulators to get, is that
. . . basing the 21st century American economy on
. . . 19th century technology is a fool’s mission.
5-22-2017 Source: #Coal: Choose where you live
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#Coal: Choose where you live
Started by eds, May 22 2017 07:07 AM
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