United Nations Environment Program says,
. . . Farms need tending around the clock.
. . . So besides all the:
. . . . . . Fertilizers,
. . . . . . Pesticides, and
. . . . . . Water they use,
. . . farms also burn a lot of fossil fuels, and money, to keep:
. . . . . . the lights on,
. . . . . . tractors rolling, and
. . . . . . refrigerators humming.
“We are a 24-hour, 365-day business,
. . . so to tie these elements together,
. . . we had to shut down for 6 to 8 hours, and
. . . that was a substantial challenge.
You can’t kill power for a substantial time,
. . . where you have a refrigeration facility,”
The Gonzales facility now employs:
. . . . . . Solar,
. . . . . . Wind, and
. . . . . . Co-generation systems from:
. . . . . . REC Solar,
. . . . . . Foundation Wind Power, and
. . . . . . Concentric Power.
4-27-2017 Source: #Food without Fossil Fuels
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Food without #FossilFuels
Started by eds, Apr 27 2017 06:05 AM
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