“Solar Vapor Generator”,
. . . cleans and desalinates water,
. . . by converting sunlight into heat to evaporate it, leaving:
. . . . . . Bacteria,
. . . . . . Salts and
. . . . . . Harmful substances behind.
The water vapor is captured and returns to liquid form.
The researchers achieved a record
. . . 88% solar thermal conversion efficiency,
. . . under one-sun concentration, produce,
. . . 3-to-10 liters of water per day, compared to
. . . 1-to-5 liters per day, for same size units.
ideal for small communities,
. . . allowing people to generate their own drinking water,
. . . much like they generate their own power via solar panels on their house.
2-6-2017 Source: #Recycle Water
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#Recycle Water
Started by eds, Feb 06 2017 12:40 PM
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