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Follow the Money: Pop-Quiz

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#1 eds



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Posted 05 August 2016 - 04:01 PM

1. How many Americans have zero savings?

2. What's the average bank account balance?

3. What is the personal savings rate in the U.S.?

4. How many adults don't have a bank account?

5. How many adults live paycheck to paycheck?

6. Does race impact savings rates?

7. Which generation is the best at saving?

8. Which one is the worst?

9. Which cities are the best for savers?

10. Which cities are the worst?

11. How many Americans have less than $100 in emergency savings?

12. How many Americans have less than $500 saved?

13. What percentage of Americans have a three-month emergency fund?

14. How many have six months' worth of expenses saved?

15. Who's more likely to have an emergency fund?

16. How many Americans aren't saving for retirement?

17. How much do savers expect to need when they retire?

18. How much are they saving each month?

19. What's the average 401(k) balance?

20. How much are people contributing to their 401(k)?

21. What's the median net worth in America?

22. How worried are Americans about their financial future?

23. How many Americans say they'll never retire?

8-5-2016 Source: Follow the Money: Pop-Quiz

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#2 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 17 August 2016 - 05:22 PM


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