Believe it or not, this is what got me into living a greener life.
I'm Korean, and there are more than 100000 dogs being abandoned by their owners. Some have tragic stories- running out of money and therefore unable to care for the dog, or becoming seriously ill. But some airheads just leave them behind because they grew too big to be 'cute'
How can I get involved in this issue? Please, I need any suggestions I can get.
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Abandoned pets?
Started by for a greener Korea, Nov 04 2015 07:23 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 04 November 2015 - 07:23 AM
Posted 06 November 2015 - 04:26 PM
Network with area vets to see if they can provide a "day" ( a few times a year) of low or no cost spray and neuter
Get the schools, police, firefighters; anyone you can think of involved to help too.
Stopping the females from birthing so many offspring is the answer.
Social media for adoptions for the ones already born might help too.
Good luck.
I've adopted several cats/dogs over the years and the first visit to the vet is always CUT! They're happier too.
Get the schools, police, firefighters; anyone you can think of involved to help too.
Stopping the females from birthing so many offspring is the answer.
Social media for adoptions for the ones already born might help too.
Good luck.
I've adopted several cats/dogs over the years and the first visit to the vet is always CUT! They're happier too.
Posted 06 November 2015 - 05:53 PM
Well, I'm taking care of a yorkie myself and I love him, but I can't possibly think of adopting another dog at the moment. I'm thinking of running a campaign at school, to spread the awareness and (perhps) raise money for donation. I'll post any idea I come up with; pls take a look at it and see if it seems like it could work.
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