Inaccurate reports about water pollution from a coal company (frasure creek)
are bad enough but when it's considered "no biggie" and fines are next to non-existent; that's a concern.
"The refusal of the U.S. attorney in Lexington and the Environmental Protection Agency to bring criminal cases against Frasure Creek is just as inexcusable as the state’s failure to bring this company into compliance.”
Environmental groups are calling foul and taking legal action.
(Which falls under the heading of-companies won't do the right thing by their consumers
so the lawyers have to step in to sue them into compliance.)
And how many violations are we talking about? 28,000!
Full story via Eco Watch-
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Coal company falsifies water pollution reports.
Started by Shortpoet-GTD, Nov 19 2014 05:06 AM
vilations water pollution cut and paste reports
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