. . . Solar PV cuts power bills by 50% and
. . . Solar Hot Water cuts power bills by 21%
. . . Then it would make sense to buy Solar PV to get a faster Payback of your investment.
But, look at the 2nd chart that says:
. . . Northeast power bills for heat and hot water are the largest bills,
. . . while electric bills are small.
. . . $2,500.- Annual Oil hot water heat bill(21% = $525.-)
. . . $600.- Annual electric bill(50% = $300.-)
Then you might start thinking about a Solar Trigeneration unit,
. . . with electric, hot water, and refrigeration,
. . . that you could "Plug-N-Play"(anyone can connect up without technical support)
Distributed Solar Trigeneration has addition benefits:
. . . Redundancy of power in mission critical applications,
. . . lower power usage costs and
. . . the ability to sell electrical power back to the local utility.
Individual family homes trigeneration systems provide benefits over cogeneration,
. . . because of increased energy utilization.
Now look at the final chart, that shows both Economic and Environmental Returns.
2014-03-10 Source: Solar Trigeneration Florida State U University of Technology Sydney