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Why do You Care?
Posted 26 June 2012 - 04:42 PM
No, really, everybody wants to tell somebody else their story and to be considered meaningful and decent, and that we've done something in the world.
This got me thinking about alt energy shift, all of us are taking the time to interact regarding green energy, the environment, sustainable living, clean air and water and so on.
So here is my question to all of you. What got you interested in the environment and alt energy shift.
To be fair I will start, I was raised on a cattle ranch, where taking care of the land and environment was the first concern. Things like clean water and air were very important and living with the land instead of trying to conquer it or overuse it was the norm. One of my first memories as a child was my grandfather and I sitting on horses looking over our land, he was telling me that man had to cherish Mother Nature, and to do this we had to be good and faithful stewards of the land and water resources. He was also the one that got me interested in wind turbines and solar energy.
After hearing about Alt. Energy Shift on NPR, I decided to check it out and Lois and I were hooked immediately by the thought of this ground breaking international online forum for sustainable energy and green living.
I would also like to say that Hayden, Ed’s, Gina, Yonder, cherrichiodo, tigerlily and all the moderators and staff, and all of you have made this forum a very fulfilling and interesting way to participate in something that we feel is making a big difference in people’s understanding and commitment to our environment. We have become close to a lot of you, and although we have never met, sharing these ideas with all of you makes this forum a great endeavor that continues to blossom and grow into something that is having a real impact in peoples understanding and lives. Now Ill shut up.
So what got you interested, how did you find out about Alt Energy Shift, and why do you care about the environment and green energy and sustainability. Tell us what you like about the forum and what you would like to achieve. I hope everyone will write something and this means you especially.
Posted 26 June 2012 - 05:01 PM
I was a moderator on the now defunct treehugger forums-had been for several years. When discovery realized
they weren't making money hand over fist with people sharing ideas about becoming greener, they shut it down.
The site had been started by a few folks that wanted to share their ideas, news and thoughts about
living a more sustainable life, but sold the forum to discovery.
And I was a moderator here for a time but too many rules led me to become just a poster (sorry Hayden)
but it's a great forum.
140 characters on Twitter isn't enough, and some other places have "comment" areas, but no real discussions.
We have discussions here and that helps make people become aware. Changing someones point of view.
my Pop got me interested in the Earth at a young age. We'd go "transplant hunting"-looking for small to medium
sized trees suitable for transplant, and I was his right hand "man". Ma always had a garden but us girls
had to pick off those big, fat, juicy, horrible tomato worms, and although I loved the tomato's, I hated those
worms, so I was always ready to go "transplant hunting" asap. Born and bred tomboy.
We lived out in the "boonies" for 7 years before the tract homes/urban sprawl moved in and laid down
paved streets, street lights, and houses all in a row.
It went from peace and quiet with bunnies and butterflies, to noise and bar b ques too quickly.
I want to preserve it for other youngsters so they can have that same experience of peace and quiet and butterflies
that I had. Why shouldn't they experience all the beauty I've witnessed?
If it's all asphalt and houses, it's not living.
Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:15 PM

For me, the environment has always been close to my heart. I grow up 1 minute walk from the crystal clear Caribbean sea, filled with fish, crab and everything delightful. The outdoors in general made up a large part of my childhood. Then in 2010, revisiting some of these places 2 decades later, seeing how the sea levels rose, opened my eyes even further. I even posted before and after photos some where as well.
Being affected in such as personal way motivated me to try to help. First I started by just donating towards rebuilding beaches but as you know in another few decades the cycle will start all over again. So I started AltEnergyShift and as the name implies the concept was related mainly to clean energy. This was because my focus was still primarily on rising sea levels. :)
Once the site was online for a few months I realized that everyone has a story or a reason - some times a personal one - why they want to live cleaner/greener lives and it does not all revolve around global warming or rising sea levels. Thus, by mid 2011 I opened up the discussion forums to cover all areas of saving planet earth.
A few months later, by chance my wife (she was a big help early on when I left the forum for dead lol) met ShortPoet (GreenTeaDrinker) on TreeHugger and coincidentally Discovery just informed her that they were closing their discussion forums down and ShortPoet thankfully accepted my offer to help out here. So with the help and experience of SP and the other Treehuggers who migrated over with her... Tigerlily, Eds, Yoder, SpiroFlo and others, AltEnergyShift has become what it is... literally it's a forum created by green minded volunteers, for green minded persons.
I just hope that the forums continue to be a positive inspiration to more and more persons, that we can make a difference and even when some things are beyond our control, we can form a collective voice that can be heard. The website - even with the ads - does not pay for itself but it's largely because of my wanting to host it in a virtual hardware environment that uses less energy than hosting it from home on a PC that is otherwise turned off.
This is not the first forum I've created, but certainly the first where the general subject matter isn't exactly something that the masses are dying to chat about. That said it remains the most satisfying project, I've met a lot of cool Shifters and you dont have to worry about me closing it down because its something close to my heart.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 03:04 AM

Posted 27 June 2012 - 07:25 AM
That said, I've become fascinated by what people can do in terms of recycling, so I've now reduced my waste output considerably. At one time, I thought it was pointless recycling, because there was only so much that could be used, but the more I look into the subject, the more I realise that there's a use for almost everything.
As I get older, I'm beginning to think more of the world my grandchildren will inherit. and I want them to enjoy Nature in all its glory, just as I did when I was growing up. I care, because I want the world to carry on providing a source of wonder for my descendants, and theirs after them.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 07:59 AM
This type of forum about alternative energy or environment can make people more aware of what is happening all over the world as we experience different weather changes and the news that had been shared here let me learn more about the situations even I am just sing my computer at home.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 02:41 PM
Over the years, life happened and I moved away from issue that were important to me. I got caught up in the mundane issues of life. This forum has renewed my interest in protecting the environment and Mother Earth.
Posted 27 June 2012 - 03:05 PM
Green the planet! Yay!
Posted 27 June 2012 - 04:25 PM
Posted 28 June 2012 - 08:02 AM
. . . never heard of us,
. . . that's cause we are silent

We few, were born during "The Great Depression,"
. . . when 9,000 Banks went under,
. . . over 30% unemployment and
. . . Job's were created by the WPA.
Then Men went to war, Women worked in factories,
. . . raised "Victory Gardens" and
. . . us "Silent Generation" kids grew up during "World War 2."
The were no TV's, Microwave's, School bus's, no toy's and
. . . Basic Food, Cloths, Gasoline, were all "Rationed."
. . . Horses and wagons were seen on cobblestone streets.
Food was stored in "Ice-Box's" and cooked on kerosine stoves,
. . . (Sounds like camping)

. . . Clothing was washed in the sink, on scrub-boards,
. . . wrung-out by hand and hung out to dry on the cloths-line,
. . . we walked everywhere, adults road bicycles to work,
. . . or took the electric trolly, that ran on rails.
We tried to make the words "Hunger-Pains," and "Hand-me-down's"
. . . disappear from our children's vocabulary.
In doing so, they forgot what the difference is
. . . between a "Need" and a "Want."
They forgot saying's like: "a Fool and their Money are Soon Parted,"
. . . "A penny Saved, is a penny Earned, and NOT Taxable,"
. . . "No body has ever figured a way of,
. . . putting non-renewable resources,
. . . back into the ground."
The "Recession's" few hundred banks going under,
. . . 10% unemployment, Gasoline prices, debt, Freaky weather,
. . . are just a "wake-up-call."
7 Billion people,
. . . energetically stripping this planet of it's resources,
. . . is just . . . NOT . . . sustainable!

There were few "Silent Generation" babies to start with,
. . . are very few of us "Silent Generation" left now,
. . . but for our Children, Grand-children and Great-grand-children,
. . . I try to care and share with them,
. . . a picture of a gentler footprint on our planet,
. . . of powering your future, with the Sun and Wind,
. . . because the "Cost" of Not doing it for future generations,
. . . is catastrophic.
The Goal is clear,
. . . Countries other than the USA are leading,
. . . in changing energy source's to sustainable one's,
. . . drastically dropping the cost and pollution of our planet,
. . . improving communication, transportation and education.
While the USA is making some progress,
. . . as a nation, we spend too much time and energy,
. . . battling over who steers the ship.
Posted 28 June 2012 - 01:51 PM
Posted 28 June 2012 - 03:30 PM
Posted 28 June 2012 - 06:23 PM
Posted 28 June 2012 - 06:28 PM
Posted 29 June 2012 - 03:38 AM
E3 wise, on 28 June 2012 - 06:23 PM, said:

But "It's so hot" was from an e-mail I sent to a friend. It's on page 6 of this thread.
And here's my "Heat" poem too-
Posted 29 June 2012 - 06:35 AM
E3 wise, on 28 June 2012 - 06:28 PM, said:
Posted 29 June 2012 - 10:00 AM
dissn_it, on 29 June 2012 - 06:35 AM, said:
"Granted, our little acts of "kindness" to the Earth might not matter much
I've often likened it to rain.
One raindrop goes unnoticed. It rains harder, people cover their heads and duck in doors.
Rains harder still, and they're struggling to fill the sandbags as fast as they can.
Greenies like us? We are the raindrops.
Environmentalists can be that deluge.
Without us demanding change, it either won't get done, or will change too slowly.
We have to keep yelling- "Hey, I want a cleaner planet!"
'Cause if we don't, the single raindrops will continue to be ignored.
Noisy raindrops unite!

Posted 29 June 2012 - 02:46 PM
Will they be able to see pristine natural places, will they be able to enjoy living in a world where water and air are clean, and so on. Keep up the great work because little things do change the world.
To ShortPoet I want to say great analogy, rain gives life and causes growth and greening of the world around us, it nourishes the soil and cleans the air, and feeds plants with essintial elements. That’s what environmentalist do also.
On June 22, 1969, an oil slick and debris in the Cuyahoga River caught fire in Cleveland, Ohio, drawing national attention to environmental problems in Ohio and elsewhere in the United States; The Cuyahoga River at one time was one of the most polluted rivers in the United States. The river from Akron to Cleveland was devoid of fish. A Kent State University symposium, convened one year before the infamous 1969 fire, described the river as grossly polluted. This and other rivers caused people to say enough and like rain come together to clean and reclaim the river, it’s still not perfect but now fish have returned and people recreate along its shores.
So let it rain and god bless people who care.
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