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What light bulbs are you usng at home?

energy saving light bulbs CFL Light Bulb

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#41 Hydrotopia



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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:59 AM

CFL's throughout. We haven't broken one yet. We have one or two halogen desk lamps and two LED 3.5 watters over the kitchen sink while dish washing.

   There's no brightness problems with our CFL's.

As soon as we went CFL our electric bill dropped.

#42 GreenQueen



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Posted 14 December 2011 - 08:15 PM

i have a bright one at my desk. When they are up in the rooms they don't seem as bright.

#43 msterees



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Posted 23 December 2011 - 08:04 AM

Most of my light bulbs are the energy saver ones,but i have a few that are still the old-fashioned type. Not sure if they are actually saving me energy, but they do last a long time so I guess it's worth it to buy them.

#44 joeldgreat



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Posted 27 December 2011 - 02:29 PM

Before, we've been using florescent bulbs up to 40 kw each, we have 6 or 7 of it at home. But when the CLF bulbs had bloomed in the market, we have to replace all the florescent lamps to this more efficient, energy saving bulbs. The CLF is rated at 10 kw, but the amount of light it delivers is the same with the older ones. The life is also the same and haven't change a bulb since 3 years now.

#45 JBMedia



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Posted 27 December 2011 - 02:55 PM

I just recently switched out the rest of my light bulbs in my house to energy saving bulbs. I know it probably wont affect my electric bill dramatically, but I am making sure I stay consistent with everything else to see what the difference on a monthly basis will turn out to be. I have a 6 bedroom 3 1/2 bath house, so hopefully it will add up.

I'll keep everyone posted on the savings if interested.

#46 kate


Posted 05 January 2012 - 05:55 PM

We've been gradually switching over to the CFLs, but the electric company -- Indiana Michigan Power, is always two steps ahead of us to eliminate cost savings :angry: with perpetual rate increases, interim rate increases, surcharges, fees ad nauseum.  Just got a notice today that a new interim rate hike will take effect this month in anticipation of a Public Service Commission hearing in JULY on another permanent hike.

#47 MakingCents



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Posted 05 January 2012 - 07:26 PM

Of course they are, you find a way to save electricty so they make the electricity that you do use cost more so that your bill stays the same.  They have to make their money some way. :unsure:

#48 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 06 January 2012 - 11:42 AM

It'll be cfl's or led's from now on. Regular bulbs are no longer being manufactured.

#49 mariaandrea



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Posted 06 January 2012 - 12:28 PM

View PostShortpoet-GTD, on 06 January 2012 - 11:42 AM, said:

It'll be cfl's or led's from now on. Regular bulbs are no longer being manufactured.

My first reaction was "Really?" Then I looked it up. Incandescent bulbs are being phased out in many countries. As usual, though, the US is behind the curve. Wikipedia has a timeline:


#50 MakingCents



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Posted 06 January 2012 - 08:50 PM

It will take a while for those bulbs to totally be phased out.  For one there are people like me who still prefer them, for two there are some lamps and light sockets that only accept those bulbs so the demand for them is still there.

#51 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 03:36 AM

From 2007-
Congress bans incandescent bulbs (and bush signed it into law-one of the few eco things he did)

"Ninety percent :ohmy: of the energy pumped through an incandescent light bulb is wasted as heat; that’s why
traditional bulbs are so hot to the touch. However, thanks to a piece of 2007 legislation, traditional incandescent bulbs will soon become a thing of the past.
It’s a mandate that will reduce residential and commercial energy use,
lowering the nation’s carbon footprint and utility bills at the same time.
Predicted savings include $13 billion in energy costs and the prevention of
100 million tons :biggrin: of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
Although CFLs and LEDs cost more initially, over time they can save consumers hundreds of dollars in reduced
energy costs.
Popular Mechanics crunched the numbers and discovered that traditional incandescent bulbs actually introduce
more mercury into the environment over their product life cycle.
Because incandescents consume more energy, they’re responsible for a greater amount of pollution associated
with electricity generation, including the release of trace amounts of mercury, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide
into the surrounding environment."
(type in your city for recycling of bulbs-and other items as well.)

The phase-out of incandescent light is to begin with the 100-watt bulb in 2012 and end in 2014 with the 40-watt.
All light bulbs must use 25 percent to 30 percent less 2014. By 2020, bulbs must be 70 percent more
efficient than they are today.

#52 JBMedia



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 05:58 AM

I just recently heard that in the U.S., they're passing a law to pretty much outlaw all non-energy saving light bulbs. I work in retail and heard we would have to be taking all of them off the shelf soon. Has anyone heard anything else about this?

#53 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 11:54 AM

View PostJBMedia, on 07 January 2012 - 05:58 AM, said:

I just recently heard that in the U.S., they're passing a law to pretty much outlaw all non-energy saving light bulbs. I work in retail and heard we would have to be taking all of them off the shelf soon. Has anyone heard anything else about this?
Read previous post. Congress banned them in 07-completely out by 14.

#54 MakingCents



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Posted 07 January 2012 - 06:12 PM

Some would argue that this is just another way that the government is getting involved in people's business.  As I refuse to use CFLs in my lamps I'm going to have to like order them from some other country, or go stock up on a lifetimes supply.  CFL ligthbulbs are NOT safe for some people.  For those of you who they are safe fore, great, you use them, save money, save the planet but I cannot have them in my house!

#55 yoder


Posted 07 January 2012 - 06:45 PM

We don't have any incandescent bulbs left in the house.  I have been trying out some "relatively" inexpensive LEDs, but haven't found any yet that are reasonably priced and provide good light.  We are using them outside for the motion detector in the back yard and the blue light works well in that case.

We've been using CFLs since they were first available and will not go back to those nasty incandescent lights, nor will I ever have another halogen bulb in my home.

#56 yoder


Posted 07 January 2012 - 06:57 PM

I also remember reading a year or two ago that Congress was supposed to go to CFL's in all of their offices, but the Republicans whined, stomped their feet and threw themselves on the floor with their hands around their necks saying, "I'm gonna strangle myself!  I'm gonna do it!"  Then blathered on about how incandescent bulbs were "more American" than CFL's.

All that childish crap just made me want to stay that much further away from incandescent bulbs.

#57 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 08 January 2012 - 03:19 AM

View PostMakingCents, on 07 January 2012 - 06:12 PM, said:

Some would argue that this is just another way that the government is getting involved in people's business.  As I refuse to use CFLs in my lamps I'm going to have to like order them from some other country, or go stock up on a lifetimes supply.  CFL ligthbulbs are NOT safe for some people.  For those of you who they are safe fore, great, you use them, save money, save the planet but I cannot have them in my house!
As  has been pointed out several times, more mercury is released into our atmosphere from burning coal
than from cfl's. They use more electricity and up to 90% of that electricity is wasted from old bulbs.

#58 MakingCents



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Posted 08 January 2012 - 02:43 PM

And as I've said several times, the children I work with have heavy metal toxicity issues.  If a CFL breaks and they are in the room it can be very harmful to their imune systems. If their bodies are exposed to any heavy metals they cannot detoxify it without chelation therapy.  Yes there is mercury in the air, but the concentration of mercury in an enclosed space is to much for their little bodies.   I love the earth, and want to save money but my boys are more important and I won't expose them to anything dangerous if I can help it.  

But, the rest of you please switch so that less electricity is used everywhere else so that the mercury levels in the air go down which would also help them :)

#59 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 09 January 2012 - 03:01 AM

View PostMakingCents, on 08 January 2012 - 02:43 PM, said:

And as I've said several times, the children I work with have heavy metal toxicity issues.  If a CFL breaks and they are in the room it can be very harmful to their imune systems. If their bodies are exposed to any heavy metals they cannot detoxify it without chelation therapy.  Yes there is mercury in the air, but the concentration of mercury in an enclosed space is to much for their little bodies.   I love the earth, and want to save money but my boys are more important and I won't expose them to anything dangerous if I can help it.  

But, the rest of you please switch so that less electricity is used everywhere else so that the mercury levels in the air go down which would also help them :)
Understandable. I didn't know that.

#60 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 09 January 2012 - 03:43 AM

"New energy efficient lighting puts people to work.
Deep in the heart of America’s rust belt a new generation of companies is riding a wave of job-creating lighting
technologies as new federal lighting efficiency standards are phased in starting next month. In Ohio, the birthplace of Thomas Edison and home to light bulb manufacturers GE and TCP, engineering, production and installation jobs are being created as an tsunami of new lighting productspours into home and business markets.

Despite Congressional Republicans' last minute efforts to undermine new light bulb efficiency standards
(read NRDC's Kit Kennedy's blog here), the money-saving law  remains in place and takes effect on January 1 as planned.
That's good for American consumers--and for American workers and their companies.

So next time you hear someone complain that they can’t buy their old fashioned light bulb, take a trip to the local hardware store and check out the myriad of choicesconsumers now have that didn’t exist a few years ago."
(Other links here/full story)-


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