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What light bulbs are you usng at home?

energy saving light bulbs CFL Light Bulb

129 replies to this topic

#21 Mon-Jes



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Posted 15 October 2011 - 07:18 AM

Candles can be really effective if you use enough of them, or get one of the huge ones that have three wicks. (Though then there's the quake danger....)

The Christmas lights are a really good idea! I hadn't thought about that, but you're right, a string of white Christmas LED lights concentrated in one area could act like a low reading light, or strung in a hallway, a cheap walkway light. What a good idea, Mariaandrea!

#22 Jabsfreelanceworld



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Posted 31 October 2011 - 08:41 PM

I like to use fluorescent bulbs whenever I can. It's either that or using the lower-wattage incandescent bulbs. Still, I should address the fact that if I am going to invest in any more fluorescent bulbs I would like to find the ones that do not have the mercury in them. I was shocked when I learned of this potentially hazardous heavy metal being present in some of them, and I think it may be some of the cheaper ones. I'm not sure. All I know is the next time I go to buy them I will make sure they are mercury-free.

#23 mangobunny



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Posted 01 November 2011 - 09:41 AM

I use the same exact brand as well. It seems to cut down on my electric bills, although I'm not too sure just how much. My electric provider gives discount through Wal-Mart, so it's really affordable.

#24 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 13 November 2011 - 11:57 AM

Switched to cfl's years ago. As they go out (but they last forever) I upgrade to L.E.D.'s.

#25 tigerlily78



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Posted 14 November 2011 - 10:20 AM

I have mostly CFLS... a few years ago my husband and I buckled down and decided to buy a case of CFLs all at one shot and switch out our most used bulbs.

There are tube florescent bulbs in one of our kitchen fixtures, a few closets.

We do still have a couple incandescent bulbs in my husband's home office... hoping to coax him into using LEDs in there soon. :)

#26 Solar Security

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Posted 14 November 2011 - 11:56 PM

I use both.I use CFL's in the living room, dining room and kitchen, but I use incandescent bulbs in the bedroom and bathroom because I need the light to be instant in these room and not take a few minutes to warm up to full brightness.

#27 ConservativeGreen


Posted 15 November 2011 - 07:20 AM

I have CFLs on all fixtures except a few that have dimmers.  Haven't been happy even with the dimmable CFLs in that application.  I'll just wait for LEDs to come down for them.  And I kinda like the warmup time in the bathroom, less of a shock to the eyes first thing at 5:30.

#28 yoder


Posted 15 November 2011 - 06:32 PM

I'm waiting for LED's to come down in price as well, but I'm testing one now in one of the canned lights.  Using CFL's everywhere else.

#29 dugluss



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Posted 18 November 2011 - 05:32 AM

I still have to take the plunge when using these new energy saving light bulbs. I find the standard incandescent bulbs still produce a brighter more defined light are are far more widely available in different fitments and styles. I don't like that it takes a CFL bulb a while to get to its optimum brightness that is still not as great as a normal bulb. I am not convinced quite yet although am prepared to try a number of CFL's from various manufactures to see if I can find one that meets my lighting requirement. The money saving gained from using CFL's may now become even more important with energy prices soaring in the UK.

#30 gangandealer



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Posted 18 November 2011 - 05:45 AM

I use those fluorescent light bulbs that save you a lot of money, but I heard that they're bad for the environment chemical wise.

#31 yoder


Posted 18 November 2011 - 05:55 AM

CFLs do contain small amounts of mercury, but a lot of recycling programs will take them as long as they are not broken.

#32 Shortpoet-GTD



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Posted 18 November 2011 - 02:44 PM

View Postgangandealer, on 18 November 2011 - 05:45 AM, said:

I use those fluorescent light bulbs that save you a lot of money, but I heard that they're bad for the environment chemical wise.
Mercury is released into our air via coal from folks using more electricity. I'd rather cut down on my use
of coal via cfl's than worry about the small amount of mercury in them.
Or just go with l.e.d.'s-no mercury to worry about.

#33 DizeeDee



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Posted 21 November 2011 - 10:01 PM

For so many years, decades, centuries, we lived w/o electric light for our main source of illumination......I think we can live w/o it again, we depend on electricity for so many things, do we really need it to light up out surroundings? I am often being chided for sitting in the dark, but I am comfortable with lighting up only the area immediately around me, not the entire room! I do not need the television on just for background noise. If people would turn off the background around them, we could save alot of energy!! ;o)~

#34 omkar1991



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 07:59 AM

A part of my house uses CFL, the rest of it use the regular mercury tubes. I think using CFLs has reduced the electricity bills, very slightly though. But I am more comfortable with the light of sodium tubes, so that is why I still have those in my room. I might eventually shift to CFLs in a while, because I am getting used to them now.

#35 magickat



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 10:14 AM

We use energy saving lightbulbs in all our rooms. Here in the UK they have already stopped producing some of the traditional lightbulbs so it is probably only a matter of time until they won't be available at all.

#36 jacobnomi



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Posted 29 November 2011 - 12:26 PM

We have all CFL bulbs in our house though I am troubled by the disposal problem as well. I read something not too long ago about there being health risks in being too close to a CFL bulb. No, I can't validate that or provide a reference. In my work, I run across a lot of information. I'm looking forward to affordable LED and solar alternatives.

#37 GreenQueen



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Posted 03 December 2011 - 07:41 AM

I use 13 watt CFL's in just about every room in my home.
I also use .5 watt nightlights for my little brother and for
when company comes around. They are a tad bit more
expensive but I feel better about my self so it all evens
out. I do have one 19 watt right in my bedroom where I
do most of my reading.

#38 Wallie0912



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Posted 04 December 2011 - 11:47 AM

I changed over to CFLs a number of years ago, partially to save money on lighting, but also to see if it would help me save money on air conditioning, since I live in a part of the US where it's over 90 degrees Fahrenheit for more than half of the year and my home has no cross-ventilation.  And it seems to have worked.  My electric bills went down significantly over the entire year, but definitely went down more in the warmer months.

#39 MakingCents



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 08:18 PM

I use CFLs in my outside lights, and in any of my ceiling lights.  But I do not use CFLs in any light that could be knocked over and the light easily broken.  Mercury exposure is something I am very leery of.

#40 Pushhyarag2000



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Posted 13 December 2011 - 10:00 PM

Except in my daughter's study room which requires bright light, we use 16W or 22W CFL bulbs in every other room. Daughter should use a study lamp [table lamp] but is a bit reluctant on that. The CFL bulbs provide just the right amount of light for all functionality and electricity bills every month are affordable.

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