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Posted 18 June 2012 - 07:02 AM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 09:26 AM
Posted 18 June 2012 - 11:28 AM
dissn_it, on 18 June 2012 - 07:02 AM, said:
Aircraft contrails have always been around, or at least since aircraft started flying high enough. I can recall seeing them as a child and that was a long time ago. Can find World War 2 photos that include contrails.
Burning gasoline or jet fuel produces both carbon dioxide and water as the main exhaust components. Get the exhaust up high enough where the air is really cold and the water condenses and even freezes into tiny ice crystals which can remain suspended for quite a long time when conditions are right.
Chemtrails, on the other hand, are baloney, conspiracy theorist stuff. http://en.wikipedia....nspiracy_theory
Posted 19 June 2012 - 05:34 AM
Posted 19 June 2012 - 09:34 AM
dissn_it, on 19 June 2012 - 05:34 AM, said:
You used to see contrails all the time and now you see chemtrails instead?
What happened to contrails then?
So how do you distinguish between contrails and what you are calling "chemtrails?"
Convince me that "chemtrails" exist. (As something separate from cropdusting and the like.)
(Ground level temperature and humidity aren't very relevant to contrails since temperature drops with altitude and humidity, both relative and absolute, also varies with altitude. Groundlevel conditions don't indicate the conditions at twenty thousand feet.)
Posted 20 June 2012 - 05:33 AM
still learning, on 19 June 2012 - 09:34 AM, said:
What happened to contrails then?
So how do you distinguish between contrails and what you are calling "chemtrails?"
Convince me that "chemtrails" exist. (As something separate from cropdusting and the like.)
(Ground level temperature and humidity aren't very relevant to contrails since temperature drops with altitude and humidity, both relative and absolute, also varies with altitude. Groundlevel conditions don't indicate the conditions at twenty thousand feet.)
Posted 20 June 2012 - 12:28 PM
Video available on right side of screen.
Posted 08 June 2014 - 09:43 AM
Of course, I studied weather a lot to be a pro pilot/teacher. AGW is doing more than causing the need for geo-engineering tries.
Globally, humidity is greater with greater heat, so high altitude humid conditions cause longer lasting and bigger contrails, too.
It was in Edward Teller's last book (in 1992) and taken to heart by people in government.
The no-fly days of 9-11 saw a temperature spike of +2.5 to 3*F across the USA. Literally proving the extent of AGW then, and it is worse now.
Where conspiracy theories end and reality begins can be very murky with active selective discounting.
I think chemtrails are real and efforts by governments to keep business as usual going. This year supposedly focusing more on the Arctic Circle, and the methane emergency (which is, unfortunately, all too REAL). It also includes rust dumping in oceans to excite phytoplankton populations to absorb more CO2.
Other ways developing for CO2 to be artificially sequestered include making plastics, and nano-technology for "trees".
Of course, everyone on Earth needs to plant 1000 trees per year, to go the natural way. :)
Posted 25 June 2014 - 04:49 AM
studies now being done on adding extra miles to flights. They think that might reduce contrails.
Via Mother Nature Network-
Posted 17 July 2015 - 05:09 PM
I thought it was funny when I heard a weather man say this winter that they only stayed around because of the cold was a joke!
As for I have a cropduster that flies over my head every summer for 12 years - when they dust fields they have to fly in very low.
Anyways, I have no idea what they are putting into the air nowadays. God only knows.
Posted 18 July 2015 - 03:53 AM
rather than hauling it back to port like they're supposed to and dispose of it properly.
A lot more harm is done with that practice vs jets exhaust.
Once in a blue moon a jet will jettison their fuel if they're about to crash or have a bad landing but other
than that......what would the reasoning be to release chemicals?
Posted 24 July 2015 - 11:24 AM
. . . that allows individuals to control their impact on local health,
. . . due to contribution to air pollution.
Posted 07 August 2015 - 03:17 PM
Leveraging data from WRI’s CAIT Climate Data Explorer,
. . . here's emissions data for 2012 by country, and economic sector.
08-07-2015 Source: Country's Emissions
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