I've shared my water poem on these boards, so I thought I'd share this one too.
It's called Heat.
June 7, 2009
The heat keeps rising; it wasn't like before
this kind of heat is merciless and impossible to ignore.
We've had many hot summers and warm springs in the past
but this 130 degree deadly, scorching heat must not, cannot last.
Environmentalists have warned of this for years
but we were too busy consuming, and now it’s all our fears.
It’s all we think and talk about, while wringing our hands
“How could I have known I was decimating Earth’s lands?”
“I should have planted more food crops and not just cattle corn
and now the soil is depleted, used up and worn.”
That’s the problem with us all; always talking and not solving
rather than doing and evolving.
We’ll talk about a thing ‘til we’re blue in the face
but will we actually do anything to save the human race?
Too many deny it’s happening at all
and sadly, the “sandies” along with the rest of us, are heading for a fall.
“Why should we be inconvenienced, asked to sacrifice?
I’ll eat whatever I want, not just some bland tasting rice.
This is all lies; it’s a conspiracy, they’re making fools of you!
Don’t believe a word of it; you’re smarter than a mule.
The suns rays aren't that harmful, it’s not that bad,
I’m telling you people; we've all been had”
“This is natural, it’s a cycle, and it’s nothing new.
We’ll go back to normal, just wait; the skies will go back to blue
This white hot sky will end
and we’ll have magnificent, rain producing clouds again.”
But many stopped listening to the carpetbaggers and their lies, long ago
Because we've seen the melting glaciers, the agonizing lack of snow.
Don’t the deniers see the videos, the pictures proving it’s true?
They deny the extinction of so many creatures, is it blocked from their view?
They’re cutting down the Rainforest as fast as they can.
To put shoes on the rich, candy for the kids and steaks for the frying pan.
The farmers have all left the region
I guess there is no reason
for them to stay,
because it no longer rains in this area, anyway.
Why bother planting food crops when they’ll die on the vine?
Grand suppers, no longer will we dine.
I don’t like being a prisoner in my own home
I want to go grocery shopping, like I used to do, alone.
But now there are throngs of armed angry people
just trying to survive
Swarms of people, dying to stay alive.
There’s a food shortage, most of the crops are gone
What’s left of the yards is baked hard dirt and no one has a lawn.
We can’t eat the fish because they’re all gone too
they told us this would happen, but we didn't listen, did you?
The cattle, the pigs and the chickens couldn't survive
without the water they needed, to feed us and our overpopulating tribes.
The pollinators, the bees have long since died out
but we insisted on keeping our chemicals, and other toxins, no doubt.
I've just looked at my thermometer; it’s heading upwards to 135.
Can we live with this heat, can we really survive?
Is surviving what’s best?
What happened to love, laughter and joy; our humanity; the rest?
Some of us still remember the beauty of the past
the butterflies, the mountains, the rainforests, the wilderness so vast.
But we took over the lands, the seas, and our miraculous globe
we went shopping, buying junk; to the malls we strode.
Surely there is something the scientists can do
mirrors in the sky, blocking the light of the sun, and cool it down too?
We have entrepreneurs, inventors and geniuses of mind
Why haven’t they figured out a way to save us, to rescue mankind?
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Heat (poem)
Started by Shortpoet-GTD, Jan 14 2012 12:28 PM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 14 January 2012 - 12:28 PM
Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:47 AM
A tale in itself about what is currently going on. Well done and well written. It was 60 degrees here last week at the end of January, in the middle of winter. Strange by any measure. Cheers.
#4 Guest_arboramans_*
Posted 30 January 2012 - 03:54 PM
The current Solar Cycle will put paid to all your fears.
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