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Posted 27 December 2011 - 09:55 AM
don't buy them or anything that contains them
your pennies and dollars are like votes---use them wisely
side effects of GMO include a new killer virus like entity that causes miscarriages and lower sperm count
profit driven empires like Monsanto are much more of a danger to the species homo sapiens sapiens and to every living thing in the entire eco system
Monsanto has corrupted the courts and destroyed communities all in the name of greater control of more and more profits------------one farmer said that lady justice may be blind, but the side that piles the most money in their side of the scales she is holding wins.
please see:
these practices are much more dangerous than climate change or global war
but it is a creeping insidious destruction
remember the old advertising slogan "better living through chemistry"
in retrospect it just ain't true
hind-site (epimetheus) is better than willfull blindness
let us find a safer and more eco-friendly path
Posted 27 December 2011 - 02:16 PM
sculptor, on 27 December 2011 - 09:55 AM, said:
Got a reference?
That bit isn't in the video you linked to.
Seen the video before, some years ago. Wonder if there's an update with furthur developments.
Posted 27 December 2011 - 03:20 PM
we are all biased, so take it with a grain (biases lead us often to take a leap in assuming causality from coincidency)
after i listened to a neighbor's disparaging comments about glyphosate several years ago, i went from neutral to negatively biased as/re monsanto,
everything i've heard or read on the subject reinforces the extant bias to where i'm tacking 40degrees negative off the neutral meridian
and personally, i will not knowingly consume gmo crops, nor the second tier---meat and dairy from animals fed on them
and, as glyphosate concentrates in the manure, i don't even want the sh.t in my garden
Posted 27 December 2011 - 03:22 PM
Posted 27 December 2011 - 04:47 PM
And don't forget guys-when you post something you're passionate about-
tweet the thread=spread the awareness.
Posted 28 December 2011 - 08:56 AM
still learning, on 27 December 2011 - 02:16 PM, said:
after taking the reference links, did you come to the stated conclusion?
am i just erring on the side of caution?
Posted 28 December 2011 - 09:21 AM
Posted 28 December 2011 - 09:53 AM
zararina, on 28 December 2011 - 09:21 AM, said:
Gmo's-organics, bpa plastics in canned goods, chemicals-there is SO MUCH that isn't on the label,
or hidden on purpose, it's getting more and more difficult to be an "aware consumer."
These large corporations want us in the dark.
(what's that old joke about thinking you're a mushroom? They keep you in the dark and cover you with poop.)

It's not enough to shop local or grow your own. We have to see that there is oversight on these
corporations via better labeling; although they will fight it tooth and nail.
Posted 28 December 2011 - 06:11 PM
sculptor, on 28 December 2011 - 08:56 AM, said:
after taking the reference links, did you come to the stated conclusion?
Regarding the "virus like entity," I'm unconvinced of it's existence at all, given what I've read. Huber's letters to the Ag Secretaryare here: http://www.greenpast...mentFiles/5.pdf?
Just isn't enough information there from Huber or the "team of senior plant and animal scientists." From what Huber said in the video interview you linked to earlier, the "virus like entity," is "micro fungal-like," causes disease in animals and maybe plants too, is common in nature but new to science. An extraordinary claim. Nobel Prize stuff, if real. Maybe that's the reason for so few details even now, want to make sure nobody else gets credit for fully describing whatever it is.
No explanation by Huber of how miscarrages or lowered fertility or lowered sperm count is connected to Roundup or GMO's. Need the details.
Near the end of the video interview by Mercola, Huber said that there has been considerable increase in human infertility in the past twenty or so years. His evidence is the huge increase in infertility clinics. Anybody else buy his reasoning?
In the initial part of the Mercola/Huber interview Huber says that Roundup/glyphosate's mode of action as an herbicide is by chelation. According to Wikipedia that's not so. I'm inclined to trust Wikipedia here. Huber refers to chelation in other contexts repeatedly in the interview. Maybe Huber just isn't always a good communicator. Maybe he's "gone emeritus." Maybe he's in line for a Nobel. Wait and see.
New killer virus? Huber says it's new to science, not new in nature. Think he says it's promoted by Roundup/glyphosate, not the GMO plant itself. Note that Roundup itself predates GMO's.
Miscarrages and lowered sperm count? Some deny there's any such thing. Don't think I've seen another scientist go along with Huber on this. Maybe the unnamed "team of senior plant and animal scientists" will come forward.
I'm really skeptical of Huber's claims.
Roundup is overused. Roundup Ready GMO's promotes greater overuse.
Monsanto's business practices? Reprehensible.
Patent laws regarding genes and GMO's. Messed up.
Monsanto's GMO's benefit Monsanto. Maybe some farmers. Not the public, near as I can tell.
Non-Monsanto GMO crops? Dunno. They don't get into the news. Are there any?
I don't have the same human health related fears of GMO's that other people have though.
Posted 30 December 2011 - 03:42 AM
Posted 30 December 2011 - 01:25 PM
produce more food at less cost!
Posted 05 January 2012 - 05:02 AM
According to Reuters, the major U.S. area for adoption of drought-tolerant corn would be the Plains, which produce one-quarter of the U.S. crop, Monsanto estimated, as well as similar dryland regions of Africa, Europe and Latin America. Corn is the most widely grown U.S. crop and farmers grew 91.9 million acres of the feed grain this year, the second-largest area since World War Two.
The Cornucopia Institute reports that in the Environmental Assessment of the “drought tolerant” Monsanto corn USDA concedes that gene flow of corn pollen is likely to occur. It is well-established that corn pollen travels, and pollen from genetically engineered plants will contaminate natural corn plants.
“The irony, of course, is that organic fields and crops are much more drought tolerant, because common sense and field trials show healthy and biologically active organic soil retains moisture much better than tired and depleted soil on conventional monoculture farms, and organic crops are healthier and more robust than conventional crops,” said Charlotte Vallaeys, a researcher at Cornucopia.
In addition to its announcement approving Monsanto’s newest GE corn variety, USDA also opened a 60-day public comment period for two additional petitions – one for Monsanto’s GE soybean containing higher levels of an omega-3 fatty acid, that does not naturally occur in soybeans, and the other from Dow AgroSciences for corn that has been genetically engineered to resist the poisonous herbicide 2,4-D.
Citizens can comment on the proposed approval of Dow’s 2,4-D tolerant corn http://www.regulatio...-2010-0103-0001 and Monsanto’s stearidonic acid soybeans until February 27, 2012.
An online petition by The Cornucopia Institute opposing Dow’s 2,4-D corn variety, which will be sent to President Obama and Secretary Vilsack, can be signed here.
For more information on the failure of genetically engineered food, read “Genetically Engineered Food Failed promises and hazardous outcomes,” from the Summer 2011 issue of Pesticides and You."
Sources: Reuters, Cornucopia Institute
(sorry about the small print, that's the way it copied
Posted 05 January 2012 - 05:30 PM
Posted 05 January 2012 - 05:37 PM
kate, on 05 January 2012 - 05:30 PM, said:
The reason?
The wind.
If some of their controlled gmo seeds blow into your field, or garden and you sell that produce, they
will sue you because you are selling their "patented" product without permission.
If you get the chance, watch Food, Inc.
They are putting farmers out of business all across America, and with the media bought/sold-they
are not reporting it.
Posted 11 April 2012 - 04:05 AM
Posted 08 August 2012 - 04:33 AM
Posted 12 February 2016 - 03:32 PM
What's that saying?
An ill wind blows nobody any good.
Organic farmer in Australia lost his years long battle.
Article via Eco Watch-
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