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What Co2 Emissions?

Views: 1552
What accounts for the global fossil-fuel-related CO2 emissions?
. . . 44% Coal, (mainly used for electricity generation)
. . . 36% Oil, (mainly used for transportation)
. . . 20% Natural gas, (mainly used for electricity and heating)

Crop ecologists have a rule of thumb:
. . . each 1-degree-Celsius rise in temperature above the norm,
. . . during the growing season lowers wheat, rice, and corn, yields by 10%.

Cutting carbon emissions involves shifting from,
. . . fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy,
. . . dramatically ramping up efficiency, and
. . . protecting and restoring forests and other natural systems.

07-06-2014 Source:   Climate Change Fact Sheet   Cutting Carbon Emissions 80%

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