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#chernobyl's Damaged Nuclear Reactor

Views: 1446
April, 26, 1986,
. . . No. 4 reactor at the Chernobyl plant experienced a catastrophic meltdown,
.. . sending long plumes of highly radioactive fallout into the atmosphere.
An untold number of people,
. . . suffered from various radiation-related health problems,
. . . in the months, and years that followed.

Workers at the site of the world's deadliest nuclear accident,
. . . have started to move a shield,
. . . called the "New Safe Confinement,"(costing $2.1 billion)
. . . that should prevent further radioactive material from leaking out,
. . . of the damaged reactor over the next century.

2-11-2017 Source:  #Chernobyl's damaged nuclear reactor

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