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Symbiotic Relationship Of Fish & Plants

Views: 1850
The fish live in an enclosure in the bottom of the system,
. . . where they poop on a regular basis.
. . . A pump continuously carries that waste-laden water up into the top section,
. . . . . . where it serves as a fertilizer for the plants.
. . . The plants' growing medium mechanically filters particles out of the water,
. . . . . . while bacteria living in that medium help neutralize accumulated ammonia
. . . . . . and other fish-unfriendly nasties.
. . . As a result, when the water flows back down from the biofilter to the fish,
. . . . . . it's been cleaned up.

You just have to remember to feed the fish.

2013-10-28 Source:  Aqualibrium  Web-site

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