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6 Perennial Vegetables

Views: 1920
Perennial Vegetables keep coming back,
. . . year, after year, after year . . .  
1. Asparagus
2. Sunchokes
3. Groundnut
4. Artichoke
5. Rhubarb
6. Horseradish

2014-04-14 Source: 6 Perennial vegetables

How to grow Green Beans, even with a brown thumb.

In addition to being a tasty garden treat,
. . . green beans can improve soil fertility by fixing nitrogen with their roots.
There are 2 types,
. . . pole beans (climbing vines) or
. . . bush beans (compact plants that don't need support).

Most green beans should be planted after the soil warms and
. . . the danger of frost is gone, and need to be planted about an inch deep
. . . (and as deep as two inches, especially in arid climates).
As a rule of thumb for planting, plan for about
. . . 10 to 15 green bean plants for each person in your household.
Once planted, the beds should be watered to stay evenly moist,
. . . until all of the seedlings emerge from the ground,
. . . at which point the surface of the soil can be allowed to dry out,
. . . between watering.
Green beans will do best in fertile soil that is rich in organic matter, and
. . . digging some finished compost into the garden beds will help them thrive.
Once the green bean seedlings have several true leaves,
. . . cover the garden beds with several inches of mulch to conserve moisture,
. . . keep soil temperatures cooler, and keep weed seeds from germinating.

2014-04-14 Source:  How to grow green beans

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