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China Vs Usa: Green #energy Programs
Views: 1441
May 13 2018 08:05 PM | eds in Economy & Politics
. . . 3 decades, with an annual average increase in gross domestic product of
. . . 9.8% during that period.
This has led to an increasing demand for energy, spurring China to add an average of
. . . 53 gigawatts (GW) of electric capacity each year, over the last
. . . 10 years to its power generation capabilities.
China recognizes, that given the growing demand for energy at home,
. . . developing its domestic renewable energy industry, and
. . . building manufacturing capacity, can lead to advantages in future export markets.
Energy efficiency, and conservation are officially China’s top energy priority.
. . . These are considered the “low-hanging fruit,”
. . . in the quest to reduce energy use, and cut demand.
In contrast, some argue that the United States,
. . . does not have a comprehensive national policy in place,
. . . for promotion of renewable energy technologies,
. . . with some observers saying that the
. . . higher costs of renewable electricity,
. . . are not conducive to market adoption.
However, the reasons for increasing the use of renewable energy include:
. . . . . . energy security,
. . . . . . energy independence,
. . . . . . cleaner air,
. . . . . . anthropogenic climate change,
. . . . . . sustainability concepts, and
. . . . . . economic development.
Such goals could reasonably be said,
. . . to apply both to the United States and China.
5-13-2018 Source: China VS USA: Green #Energy Programs