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400,000 #electric Buses In The World

Views: 1001
Every 5 weeks, China adds
. . . 9,500 more electric buses.

By the end of this year,
. . . Bloomberg believes electric buses will be displacing
. . . 279,000 barrels of diesel fuel per day.
That’s about as much as
. . . Greece consumes on a daily basis.

BYD estimates its buses have logged
. . . 10 billion miles and saved
. . . 1.8 billion gallons of diesel fuel over the past
. . . 10 years. According to Ho, that means as much as
. . . 18 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution has been avoided,
. . . which is equivalent to removing
. . . 3.8 million cars from the world’s roads.

Since every bus uses about
. . . 30 times more fuel than a passenger vehicle,
. . . the shift to electric buses
. . . has a disproportionate effect on demand.

4-26-2018 Source:  400,000 #Electric Buses in the world

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