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No-Work Circular Garden
Views: 1462
Feb 24 2012 01:55 AM | eds in Ed's Articles

. . . It is ideal for growing salad vegetables and herbs.
Edible flowers can add colour and attract pollinators.
The most important factor in the success of the garden is its siting.
. . . It occupies a space approximately 3m X 3m and
. . . this should be in full sun for most of the growing season.
In the subtropics, afternoon shade in summer
. . . will help reduce wilting in leafy vegetables.
This garden consists of a compost bin at the center, so that the dissolved nutrients
. . . from it are evenly distributed throughout the garden.
. . . Kitchen scraps , shredded paper, leaves and seed-free weeds can be placed
. . . in the bin. An occasional layer of manure will help to keep the compost
. . . forming and a layer of straw on top keeps it moist.
. . . (3 foot wide, circular Chicken wire enclosed)
Climbing plants tomato, bean, etc. are attached to the outside of the chicken wire.
Vegetables are close-planted in a 3 foot wide circle around the compost bin,
. . . which help keep the weeds down, after initial weeding,
. . . the outside of the whole 9 foot wide circle, is edged with herbs and flowers.
The whole garden is watered the first year, the once the garden is established,
. . . after the first year, only the compost is watered, so that the nutient-rich water
. . . is drawn out by the plants. There is in effect a constant supply of liquid
. . . fertiliser available to plants.
This garden is not heavily mulched between the plants, as the mulch would stop
. . . the moisture from the bin being drawn out to the plants.
Instead, the plants are placed close together so that they shade the soil and
. . . prevent weed growth. Any unplanted areas should be mulched,
. . . until they are used as well, as around young seedlings,
. . . until they are established.
Almost any vegetable can be grown in the garden.
. . . However, pumpkins, melons and potatoes take up too much room.
. . . Peas and climbing beans can be grown on the wire mesh of the compost bin.
. . . Lower growing vegetables should generally be kept to the north and
. . . tall plants to the south to minimise shading.
Plant types should be rotated around the garden as in any other vegetable patch.
Onions, garlic and shallotts make a good insect repellant border to the garden.
Source: Circular