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- Submitted: Feb 21 2012 01:00 AM
- Last Updated: Feb 21 2012 01:03 AM
- File Size: Unknown
- Views: 4090
- Downloads: 4
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Download Survival Guide (iPhone, Android)

Survival skills are techniques a person may use in a dangerous situation (e.g. natural disasters) to save themselves or others (see also bushcraft). Generally speaking, these techniques are meant to provide the basic necessities for human life: water, food, shelter, habitat, and the need to think straight, to signal for help, to navigate safely, to avoid unpleasant interactions with animals and plants, and for first aid. In addition, survival skills are often basic ideas and abilities that ancient humans had to use for thousands of years, so these skills are partially a reenactment of history. Many of these skills are the ways to enjoy extended periods of time in remote places, or a way to thrive in nature. Some people use these skills to better appreciate nature and for recreation, not just survival.
*** Survival Guide is completely based on the U.S. Military Survival Manual FM 21-76. ***
*** Survival Guide is completely based on the U.S. Military Survival Manual FM 21-76. ***
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